Thursday, February 14, 2013

Beginner Guide Part 2

Okay if you have already did everything stated in the beginner guide part one, you are ready for the second part of this guide. But before we start the training regime, you need to know what type of player you will be.

                                                               Step 1

As mentioned in part one, this is heavily affected by your weapon choice.Nonetheless, before we proceed, you need to understand each stat function in a battle. Below are the table that shows it.

With that, you should understand more or less the function of each stats. Now the type of training u need to do based on your preference. Compared the stat training suggested with the function of each stat to decide whats your character going to be. Below are the stats you need to increase based on your weapon.

Alright, now that you know what stat to train, you can start your training regime. I'll leave the ratio between the stats for you to decide.

                                                                     Step 2

As the day pass by, we need to measure your battle prowess. The place to do that is at PVM battle as seen on the picture below.
The list of AI enemy here is where you can battle them to test your battle prowess progress. The target here is simple. Before your 7 day protection is over, you should be able to defeat Fishbone D until Fura (Top to bottom progress) if you are an active player. For those who play less, you still need to be able to defeat Fishbone D until Bawabawa at the very least.

                                                                    Step 3

Before the end of the 7 day protection, you need to kill at least 1000 of these PVP AI.If you can kill more, it is even better. Here are the reason why:-

-It gives you more experience than training does thus making you leveling up faster. Higher level means more stamina (+2 stamina per level gained).
-You gains tomes by doing PVM battle (every AI drop rate is the same; so if you can kill AI with more experience reward, go for it).These tomes are valuable when you want to join a clan later on. You must have at least 20 of these tome as spare.

There are 3 types of tomes which are
1. Ancient weapon name changing tome. - change weapon's name
2. Ancient weapon type changing tome. - change weapon's type
3. Ancient weapon efficiency altering tome. - change weapon's efficiency and consumption rate.

These tomes, apart from their usage as stated above, can be converted to clan contribution point. 150 points for name and type changing. 200 points for efficiency altering.

You need as many of the efficiency altering tome as possible if your weapon did not match the requirement mention in beginner guide part 1.

                                                                      Step 4
So, when you have a lot of tomes, you can speak at the chatbox and asked if any clan is willing to take you in. To get to chatbox, follow the picture below.

After that scroll the page down and follow step 1 and 2 to chat with other.

Just mention your active online hours daily and you are willing to contribute to clan. Then you have to wait for their invite. With this, the beginner guide is officially finish.

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